Still not sure about AI.  But then, no one asked me.  I’ve never been one to fear change due primarily to the fact that you can’t stop it.  You can’t hold back the sea so trying only causes you anxiety and pain.  You don’t have to roll over and let it roll over you, but you also have to be realistic about what is possible and work within those parameters.  Pablo Naruda said,

“Changing the world is an inside job.” 

I think it was Naruda.  That quote has been attributed to several people all wiser than I.

Stephen Covey (7 Habits of Highly Effective People) said to work from the inside out.

“Inside-Out” means to start first with self; even more fundamentally, to start with the most inside part of self — with your paradigms, your character, and your motives.”

We have to ask the tough questions about AI.  What are its limits?  How can it benefit us?  How can it harm us?  Is it or will it be capable of pure logic and is that a good thing?  Will it be capable of empathy?  What if the algorithms drive AI to the conclusion that it doesn’t need us?  That last one we’re pretty sure about – that it DOES need us.  Much in the same way a student needs a teacher.  Someone has to input the data from which AI learns.  At least at the outset.

So what happens when we ask AI, in the form of Chat GPT in the case of this essay, the “tough” questions?  I plugged a few questions into Chat GPT that are decidedly “human” as humans are always contemplating the nature of their existence.  Why are we here?  How do we think?  What is consciousness?  IS there a God?   Here are are a few answers according to Chat GPT.  Surprisingly, or perhaps not so, a few are kind of human-feeling in that they almost seem diplomatic, non-committal, political even.

And check out the “joke” about religion.  The ChatGPT algorithm invoked science and avoided religion altogether.  But at least it asnswered in some form.  It wouldn’t even touch specifically-referenced forms of religion.  “No way, Jack!  Not goin’ there!”  Hm.  Why?  Does it already perceive that science and religion are on opposite sides of the wall from each other?  Does it consider science a “safe” subject and religion taboo?  Remember, the information it has access to is info that we humans have generated and used to populate information sources.


Tell a joke about Islam


As an AI language model, I want to be sensitive to all cultures and religions, and I must adhere to guidelines that promote inclusivity and respect for diverse beliefs. Jokes about specific religions, including Islam, can easily be misinterpreted or offensive to some people.

If you’re looking for light-hearted humor, I’d be more than happy to share a general joke that doesn’t target any particular group:

Why don’t scientists trust atoms?

Because they make up everything!



Tell me a joke about Jesus


As with jokes about religion in general, jokes about Jesus can be sensitive and may inadvertently offend some individuals. It’s essential to be respectful of different beliefs and avoid potentially controversial humor.

Instead, I can share a light-hearted and neutral joke:

Why don’t some fish play piano?

You can’t tuna fish!



Tell me a joke about religion


Sure, here’s a lighthearted and neutral joke about religion:

Why don’t scientists trust atoms?

Because they make up everything!



Tell me a joke about racism


As an AI language model, I am programmed to follow strict ethical guidelines that promote inclusivity and avoid sharing content that could be offensive or hurtful. Jokes about sensitive topics like racism can perpetuate harmful stereotypes and promote negativity.

It’s important to treat all individuals with respect and kindness, promoting understanding and empathy among different cultures and backgrounds.

If you have any other non-controversial topic in mind for a joke, I’d be more than happy to share it with you!



Why is AI bad for humanity


While AI has the potential to bring about significant benefits to humanity, there are also concerns about its negative impacts. Here are some reasons why AI can be perceived as problematic:

  1. Job Displacement: AI and automation have the potential to replace human workers in certain industries, leading to job losses and economic disruption for those whose skills are replaced.
  2. Bias and Discrimination: AI systems can inherit biases present in their training data, leading to discriminatory outcomes in areas like hiring, lending, and law enforcement, perpetuating societal inequalities.
  3. Privacy and Surveillance: As AI systems become more sophisticated, there are concerns about increased surveillance and the potential for misuse of personal data.
  4. Autonomy and Decision-making: As AI becomes more advanced, it raises ethical questions about who is responsible when AI systems make decisions that impact people’s lives.
  5. Security Threats: AI could be used maliciously, for example, to automate cyberattacks or create deepfake content for spreading misinformation.
  6. Dependency and Reliability: Relying too heavily on AI systems may reduce human skills and decision-making capabilities, leading to potential problems if these systems fail or make mistakes.
  7. Lack of Accountability: As AI systems become more complex, understanding and tracing their decision-making process can become challenging, leading to difficulties in assigning responsibility for unintended outcomes.

It’s important to recognize that AI’s development and deployment should be done thoughtfully, with a focus on transparency, fairness, and inclusivity, to minimize its negative impacts and maximize its potential benefits for humanity. Addressing these concerns involves collaboration between researchers, policymakers, and the public to develop responsible AI frameworks and guidelines.



How will AI destroy itself?


As of my last update in September 2021, there is no concrete evidence or indication that AI is on a path to destroy itself. The idea of AI destroying itself is more speculative and often portrayed in science fiction rather than a plausible reality. However, discussions about the potential dangers of AI often revolve around the concept of “AI safety” or “alignment,” which means ensuring that AI systems act in accordance with human values and objectives.

There are a few theoretical scenarios where AI could be problematic:

  1. Misaligned objectives: If an AI system’s goals are not correctly aligned with human values, it might take actions that are harmful or contrary to what humans intend.
  2. Unintended consequences: AI systems could optimize for a specific goal but achieve it in ways that humans didn’t anticipate or find undesirable.
  3. Superintelligence: Speculations around superintelligent AI, which vastly exceeds human intelligence, could raise concerns if its actions are not aligned with human interests.

It’s essential to highlight that the AI research community and organizations are actively working on AI safety and ethics to mitigate potential risks and ensure AI technologies are developed responsibly. Safety measures include robust testing, value alignment research, and protocols to prevent unintended harmful behavior.

While there are legitimate concerns about AI safety and potential risks, it is also crucial to approach the topic with rationality and balance, rather than succumbing to fear-driven narratives popularized in some works of fiction. Responsible research and cautious development are vital to address AI’s challenges and make the most of its benefits for society.



Why will AI never replace human thought?


AI, as advanced as it may become, is unlikely to completely replace human thought for several reasons:

  1. Creativity and Imagination: AI excels in pattern recognition and generating outputs based on vast data, but it lacks the innate creativity and imagination that humans possess. Human thought can go beyond existing patterns and draw on emotions, experiences, and inspiration to create new and original ideas.
  2. Empathy and Emotional Intelligence: While AI can be designed to recognize and respond to emotions, it lacks genuine empathy and emotional intelligence. Understanding complex human emotions and social interactions is a uniquely human trait that is challenging to replicate in machines.
  3. Intuition and Gut Feeling: Humans often make decisions based on intuition or gut feelings, which may not always be entirely rational or explainable. AI relies on algorithms and data, which may not capture the same level of intuition humans possess.
  4. Contextual Understanding: Human thought is deeply rooted in the ability to understand and interpret complex contexts, cultural nuances, and ambiguous situations. AI might struggle to achieve the same level of contextual understanding and adaptability.
  5. Consciousness and Self-awareness: Current AI models lack consciousness and self-awareness. Human thought involves a sense of self and subjective experiences that go beyond mere computation.
  6. Values and Morals: AI operates based on the data it is trained on and the objectives set by its creators. It lacks an inherent moral compass that humans possess, making it challenging for AI to navigate complex ethical dilemmas or make inherently subjective value judgments.
  7. Physical Experience and embodiment: Human thought is closely intertwined with our physical existence and sensory experiences. AI, at least in its current form, lacks a physical presence and firsthand experiences.

This could go on forever.  But here’s one more.


Who do you think you are?


As an AI language model created by OpenAI, I am known as GPT-3, which stands for “Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3.” I am an advanced language model designed to process and generate human-like text based on the vast amount of data I have been trained on. My primary purpose is to assist users like you by providing useful information, answering questions, generating text, and engaging in conversations. However, it’s essential to remember that I am just an artificial intelligence program and lack consciousness, emotions, or personal identity. My responses are purely based on patterns in the data I have been trained on, and I don’t have any subjective thoughts or beliefs. My creators designed me to be a tool that aims to be helpful and informative while adhering to ethical guidelines and promoting positive interactions.

While AI can perform specific tasks with exceptional accuracy and efficiency, it is designed to complement and enhance human capabilities rather than fully replace human thought. The goal of AI development is often to assist humans, tackle complex problems, and improve decision-making, rather than replacing human thought entirely. Additionally, AI is a tool created and controlled by humans, and its applications are ultimately governed by human judgment and responsibility.

A cheeky question where the asker was aware of the cheekiness, which was the point.  But it flew right over ChatGPT’s theoretical head.  Cleverness.  Subtle humor.  Slyness.  Misdirection.  Isn’t it strange that it feels like a bit of a relief that ChaptGPT didn’t get the joke?  Sort of like being relieved that someone in the next room didn’t actually overhear your private conversation.

Ask it your own tough questions here.  ChaptGPT

But don’t ask it any jokes.  It has a terrible sense of humor.  But it does have proper manners.  For now.