Listen to the full episode and subscribe, share, etc.
Robin’s Hope is a Trauma Recovery Center where people healing from emotional trauma can find support, activities, and group discussions focused on developing resilience skills. Jennifer Kell is a licensed clinical social worker and Heather Pate brings expertise through lived experience.
The discussion moves through past experience, inspiration of the name Robin’s Hope and even significance of the no drama trauma llama, the official mascot of Robin’s Hope.
This is a joint episode between The Good Eye Podcast and the Synapse Hubcast. Find out more about the Synapse Network of businesses and nonprofit neighbors via their website below.
Robin’s Hope
Good Eye Podcast
Synapse Hubcast
Synapse Network
Jason Wells and Mechanics of Faith have made it their mission to help people in need with reliable transportation. They work on cars, the hold pop-up events with their mobile service trailer, they train people for a career in automotive service with a special focus on veterans.
They are always looking for businesses other non-profits to partner with to hold events and cross-promote. They are also open to donations, volunteers and interested parties who just want to help them in their mission.
Today’s wisdom comes from The Bard of Avon himself, William Shakespeare who has all kinds of wisdom cleverly implanted in his many works of comedy, tragedy, history and poetry. The quote is “The devil can cite scripture of his purpose”.
It’s the classic wolf in sheep’s clothing scenario. Beware of hidden agendas and be aware of those who see the world through convenient filters in that they tend to justify behavior under the guise of belief systems.
We should be equally aware of these filters in ourselves. Sometimes, what we take on faith or mistake for fact can be a lack of intellectual honesty and authenticity.
The full quote from The Merchant of Venice as uttered by the character Antonio:
“The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
An evil soul producing holy witness
Is like a villain with a smiling cheek,
A goodly apple rotten at the heart.
O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!”
― William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice
Todd Feldman and The Rocket Factory are not just experts at transforming businesses, but they believe that keeping things simple and focusing on people is the best way to evolve. I was excited to work with them to help bring their new documentary to life.
When clients hire me to podcast like a pro the number two question – number one being “What should my podcast be about?” – is usually “how do I edit the podcast audio and get it ready for publishing?” That’s totally understandable. Audio production and mixing can be confusing with a steep learning curve if you’ve never worked with recording and editing software. In this video, we walk through some basic audio editing steps and techniques in Audacity, a free digital audio workstation. It doesn’t address everything as audio editing and mixing is a never-ending pursuit full of tricks, tips and tools that go further and further into detail when it comes to audio manipulation. But it should serve to provide a foundation on the road to podcast production. As always, for more details, questions and one-on-one instruction, please contact me via the contact form on the front page of the website.
In this episode, Jay talks with insurance and financial services advisor Robby Williams about financial planning with purpose. The conversation touches on subjects such as tax implications and clears up some confusion surrounding equity market versus fixed-income investment, diversification, what to keep in mind when making a long-term plan, and viewing financial planning with a purpose based on what what’s important to you both financially and personally. Robby provides a lot of honest, practical insight into important subjects that are often confusing and intimidating.
Elizabeth Tollis is a business coach, entrepreneur and podcaster. As a business coach she helps entrepreneurs build the mission-based business of their dreams. On her podcast “Full Focus Entrepreneur” she talks to other entrepreneurs and mission-minded people about what makes them go. Some of the topics in this episode include guesting on podcasts as a means of promotion and networking, simplifying business for entrepreneurs, confidence – what it looks like and how to find it, unique challenges and opportunities faced by women in the world of entrepreneurism, starting a business during a pandemic, ratios of marketing to execution especially when starting out, purpose, broadness versus niche in small business, taking strategic risks and more.
PodcastSpeaks is almost here. I can’t wait for this exciting 2-day event with the amazing Jane M Powers.
I met Jane last year at a Synapse meeting. Our meeting was one of the serendipitous benefits to a new business culture full of online Zoom video meetings. I know, I felt Zoom fatigue as much as anyone. But after it had settled in, I started to wonder how we’d go back to the old normal. I was meeting people from all over the world every week!
When Jane and I got together we found we not only had a lot of interests in common (the outdoors, mountain biking, an insatiable desire to constantly learn, low tolerance for b.s.), but that we possessed skill sets that complimented each other. She was great a turning skills into money by jumping all-in and getting to the heart of people’s passions, and I was good at NONE of that. Well, truth be told, my background in audio and recording, radio, creative services in the ad world, and the aforementioned insatiable desire to constantly learn fueled my interest in podcasts and podcasting. I truly believe that podcasts are one of the greatest messaging, branding, self-discovery and lead generation tools available to businesses and non-profits. And Jane agreed. So we came together to offer PODCAST SPEAKS.
PodcastSpeaks is an online, virtual event being held April 29 and 30 to teach businesses how they can use podcasts to speak (literally!) directly to customers, potential customers, contemporaries, collaborators, sponsors and networkers.
If you’re a small business person, entrepreneur or anyone who wants to control the narrative surrounding their business, ask yourself a few questions:
Do you have a story, mission, movement, or message?
Are you passionate about growing a profitable business?
Would you like to effectively engage and connect with audiences?
Do you want to easily create lasting content?
Do you want to confidently convert 5 or 6-figures from every stage?
Do you want to successfully generate a stream of leads?
The answers are obvious. Click here to make a fully refundable deposit to hold your space and attend this free event.
To hear more about the event, listen to this episode of The Good Eye Podcast with Jane as my guest.
I’m sort of old-school when it comes to equipment and software. I don’t like subscriptions. I rarely sell old gear. And I don’t really take advantage of “free trials”. That said, I learned Audacity, the free DAW for audio editing and mixing, because a number of my podcasting clients were using and I found it to be surprisingly able. (I’m a Pro Tools guy which brings its own special brand of heartache. But at least their support sucks! I digress.) There ARE some things about Audacity that I’m not keen on such as how when you want to record in multitrack mode you select the number of tracks you want then just hit record. I know. That sounds user-friendly and logical, but I like to set up my session and inspect it before rolling. Like I said, I’m old school. But there’s a new version of Audacity out and the reviews have been positive – good news for podcasters and project studio producers who are not as old-school and are just fine using a free program. Here’s Music Radar’s take on it. Give me a shout if you don’t want to deal with any of this when producing your podcast. Some folks understandably feel they have enough on their plate with the ideation, hosting, interviewing and promoting of their podcast.
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