T Veiga, also known as The Queer Ketamine Nurse, has had chronic physical and mental health conditions since birth that escalated in severity over the years. A journey to feel better, included pills, supplements, Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency (PEMF) devices and detox helped a little, but problems continued.
After graduating from the #1 Nursing Program in Virginia in 2021 some LGBTQ+ identifying friends
introduced T to the concept of Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP). T witnessed a transformation of their mental health and felt a calling to spread their personal healing journey and serve the LGBTQ+ population around the world.
They completed Cybin’s Psychedelic Facilitator Training, wrote “The Ketamine Handbook”, and are now based out of Las Vegas where they speak at events, appear as a guest on podcasts, lead retreats, and provide sitter, consultation, and coaching services to primarily LGBTQ+ identifying clients.