StudioB Update
Mercifully pre-emptive TLDR:
No more accompanying radio show. StudioB is now a standalone podcast that plays local and regional music out of Richmond. Read on if you must.
Last week marked the first time in nearly 22 years in which StudioB did not have a home on terrestrial radio. It started as a radio show in 1995, and has also been a podcast for nearly 8 years. From the feedback I get many of the regular podcast listeners were not aware StudioB was even ON the radio; especially the listeners who don’t live in Richmond and follow the podcast to hear some of the great music we get to hear around town and on WRIR ( and other places and venues that feature local music. But such is the state of corporate radio programmers who refuse to serve their communities and the artists therein.
StudioB has been on the air somewhere in Richmond, playing local and regional music since 1995 – not a bad run. It wasn’t about ratings or anything like that. I mean, come on, the show aired at 11pm on Sunday night. Nonetheless, it’s important for local, independent artists (…of which I am one) to claim at least a tiny patch of time on the nearly impossible-to-breach commercial airwaves in their own backyard.
So, StudioB will continue, for now at least, as a podcast-only entity. If you check in on the StudioB podcast to hear some of the incredible talent we have in this city and the region, it’d be cool if you gave it a like, a share or subscribed. It helps spread the word and supports the artists on the show. There will likely be changes coming, but the show will continue among the ever-growing and ever louder voices supporting and creating local music in RVA.
Oh! And thanks to WRIR, I’ll be back on the air playing local music sooner than I had anticipated. I’ll be one of the revolving hosts who sit behind the mic for River City Limits, WRIR’s all-local show on Saturday nights. It’s not the ONLY local show on WRIR, of course, but this one is all and only local music.
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