PodcastSpeaks is almost here. I can’t wait for this exciting 2-day event with the amazing Jane M Powers.
I met Jane last year at a Synapse meeting. Our meeting was one of the serendipitous benefits to a new business culture full of online Zoom video meetings. I know, I felt Zoom fatigue as much as anyone. But after it had settled in, I started to wonder how we’d go back to the old normal. I was meeting people from all over the world every week!
When Jane and I got together we found we not only had a lot of interests in common (the outdoors, mountain biking, an insatiable desire to constantly learn, low tolerance for b.s.), but that we possessed skill sets that complimented each other. She was great a turning skills into money by jumping all-in and getting to the heart of people’s passions, and I was good at NONE of that. Well, truth be told, my background in audio and recording, radio, creative services in the ad world, and the aforementioned insatiable desire to constantly learn fueled my interest in podcasts and podcasting. I truly believe that podcasts are one of the greatest messaging, branding, self-discovery and lead generation tools available to businesses and non-profits. And Jane agreed. So we came together to offer PODCAST SPEAKS.
PodcastSpeaks is an online, virtual event being held April 29 and 30 to teach businesses how they can use podcasts to speak (literally!) directly to customers, potential customers, contemporaries, collaborators, sponsors and networkers.
If you’re a small business person, entrepreneur or anyone who wants to control the narrative surrounding their business, ask yourself a few questions:
Do you have a story, mission, movement, or message?
Are you passionate about growing a profitable business?
Would you like to effectively engage and connect with audiences?
Do you want to easily create lasting content?
Do you want to confidently convert 5 or 6-figures from every stage?