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As a voice actor myself who meditates (almost) daily and holds mindfulness in high regard, it was great to see this article in TRICYCLE – The Buddhist Review with one of my voiceover heroes who also just happens to be a practicing Buddhist and Zen priest Peter Coyote. The stars don’t necessarily align, but they do make themselves available to awareness if you remain vigilant and , dare I say it, “mindful”.
Robin’s Hope is a Trauma Recovery Center where people healing from emotional trauma can find support, activities, and group discussions focused on developing resilience skills. Jennifer Kell is a licensed clinical social worker and Heather Pate brings expertise through lived experience.
The discussion moves through past experience, inspiration of the name Robin’s Hope and even significance of the no drama trauma llama, the official mascot of Robin’s Hope.
This is a joint episode between The Good Eye Podcast and the Synapse Hubcast. Find out more about the Synapse Network of businesses and nonprofit neighbors via their website below.
Robin’s Hope
Good Eye Podcast
Synapse Hubcast
Synapse Network
Jason Wells and Mechanics of Faith have made it their mission to help people in need with reliable transportation. They work on cars, the hold pop-up events with their mobile service trailer, they train people for a career in automotive service with a special focus on veterans.
They are always looking for businesses other non-profits to partner with to hold events and cross-promote. They are also open to donations, volunteers and interested parties who just want to help them in their mission.
Today’s wisdom comes from The Bard of Avon himself, William Shakespeare who has all kinds of wisdom cleverly implanted in his many works of comedy, tragedy, history and poetry. The quote is “The devil can cite scripture of his purpose”.
It’s the classic wolf in sheep’s clothing scenario. Beware of hidden agendas and be aware of those who see the world through convenient filters in that they tend to justify behavior under the guise of belief systems.
We should be equally aware of these filters in ourselves. Sometimes, what we take on faith or mistake for fact can be a lack of intellectual honesty and authenticity.
The full quote from The Merchant of Venice as uttered by the character Antonio:
“The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
An evil soul producing holy witness
Is like a villain with a smiling cheek,
A goodly apple rotten at the heart.
O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!”
― William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice
In Stanislaw Lem’s classic sci-fi/philosophy novel “Solaris”, scientists on a space station studying the titular planet receive “visitors”. The sub-atomic particles neutrinos are mentioned and theories are postulated (sorry so vague, no spoilers). It all invites many rabbit hole dives into the nature of the mind (the human one), perception and the matter/antimatter relationship. How can they co-exist? Technically, they can’t, but this video talks about the notion that matter gained an edge when this nutty ol’ universe was but a wee toddler. Check it out. And happy rabbit holing.
The 2021 Go Forward Team Ride to benefit the Forward Foundation is in the books. We had great weather with lots of families on-site during the ride. The 50-mile ride itself went smoothly. No incidents, crashes or punctures – all-in-all a picture perfect day for cycling. Huge thanks and gratitude to everyone that came out to support the Forward Foundation. There was a 20-miler, a 10-miler and kids’ ride and lots of fun, food and activities at Dorey Park this weekend. Please consider making a donation in support of this great organization led my Executive Director and CEO Andrea Starr. They work tirelessly to provide support and resources to single parents in financial crisis. See you next year!
Watch clips from the ride:
If you’re on the activity tracking platform Strava you can check out the ride here:
“All friendships of any length are based on a continued, mutual forgiveness. Without tolerance and mercy all friendships die.”
-David Whyte, poet and philosopher from Consolations: The Solace, Nourishment and Underlying Meaning of Everyday Words
The book is available on his website:
David Whyte’s conversation with Sam Harris on Sam’s podcast “Making Sense”
C.S. Lewis said of friendship that it is “one of those things which gives value to survival.”
Full passage:
“FRIENDSHIP is a mirror to presence and a testament to forgiveness. Friendship not only helps us see ourselves through another’s eyes, but can be sustained over the years only with someone who has repeatedly forgiven us for our trespasses as we must find it in ourselves to forgive them in turn. A friend knows our difficulties and shadows and remains in sight, a companion to our vulnerabilities more than our triumphs, when we are under the strange illusion we do not need them. An undercurrent of real friendship is a blessing exactly because its elemental form is rediscovered again and again through understanding and mercy. All friendships of any length are based on a continued, mutual forgiveness. Without tolerance and mercy all friendships die.”
Like many folks shut in and isolated due to the pandemic, in need of connection and new, positive energy, we got a “COVID dog” last year. The decision was much deeper than that as we had missed our beloved Gracie terribly in the couple years she had been gone and we were ready. Besides, Jackie P, our little corgie mix firecracker was ready for a new trainee, having taken copious notes during her training from Gracie and prepared to bring a new dog up to speed on dos, don’ts, shouldn’ts and only-if-you-don’t-get-caughts. She didn’t actually know she was ready for the role of trainer and new head of household, but she ultimately proved that she was. So Frankie the Golden mix pup entered the fray. She was a combination rescue/litter pup. We looked all over for a Golden or Golden mix from non-breeder options (breeding just isn’t our scene) – SPCA, rescues we had adopted from in the past, even connecting with a Golden rescue organization in Pennsylvania that family members had adopted from, but it was COVID and everyone was adopting. Which is awesome. We finally found a litter in Rockingham County, Virginia. A young couple had a Golden momma who had had a litter with a Golden mix daddy, and they couldn’t keep the puppies. We contacted them immediately and went up there that weekend to meet the momma and her pups. We chose the smallest one which turned out to be Frankie. We went back after she had some time with her momma and brothers and sisters and brought her home. This was her first official test drive of her water instincts. Consider all boxes checked.
The Go Forward Team Ride and the Tour de Midnight have joined forces. Ride the Go Forward Team Ride this Saturday and you’ll receive a code to ride Tour de Midnight at a discount.
The 2nd Annual GO FORWARD Team Ride to benefit the Forward Foundation is this Saturday Sept 18 from Dorey Park
The Tour de Midnight to benefit the Epilepsy Foundation of Virginia is Saturday Oct 16 from Midnight Brewery
REGISTER HERE, for the Go Forward Team Ride or click the link above.
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