Month: September 2024

Voiceover for Right Guard – A Couple Different Reads


Manifesto Video

The agency wanted two different reads for essentially the same campaign with the same message.  The commercial read had a bit of a wink, was straightforward and warranted delivery of the message quickly and efficiently.  It was to have a  gruff, honest, hardworking vibe.  The manifesto video needed a similar approach, but it was more measured.  You’re leaning in a little more, relating, sharing.  The blue-collar element is there but it’s pulled back a bit, almost documentary-style for folks who know a hard day’s work.

These two projects are what I love about VO.  They’re very similar, but they also have very distinct differences that need to be communicated in a subtle manner.   Direction and communication of the writer’s vision is key and the agency did a great job helping me to storyboard it in my mind so that I didn’t screw it up.  Aside from post-production (the unsung heroes of the creative process), voiceover is one of the last steps – from concept to finished product.  Often, the VO won’t even know if they’ve nailed it until they see the final.  You can pretty much know based on how the session went and how you felt about your performance, but you never know for sure until you see how all the elements come together.

River City Limits on WRIR 9-7-24

ENFORCED – A Leap into the Dark
Shagwüf – To Hook A Fish Of Memory
indoor-indoor – Miracle Time
bodyshell – Astronaut
Energy 2000 – The Rocket into Planetary Space
Justin Golden – Left My Gal in the Mountains
Midlife Pilot – Stay Low
The Mitras – No One Gets Back To Me
Tomb of Annihilation – The Dead and the Living (Tomb of Annihilation)
Ninth Realm – Infernal Spite

BEEX – Big House
Halfcast – Able To Tell
The Judy Chops – Good Days
Young Scum – Lighter Blue
doll baby – Crumbled at our feet.
I am the liquor – The Devils Due
Asylum 213 – Subi
Butcher Brown – Secret House
Drook – America, My Window
Greg Garner – Lighthouse
Destruct – Omnicide
Crucial Rip – Force Fed Concrete
Mutually Assured Destruction – Hexer
Tennishu – Heat To Drop
FM Skyline – In the Clouds
Sam Valentine – Somewhere Golden
the Ar-Kaics – Chains
Bats & Mice – worst time
New Lions – Canada
Outer World – The Drum the Beat
WKNDR – All In
NO BS! Brass – Begin Again


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